
Padded Rigid Long Splints

Original price was: ₵249.00.Current price is: ₵199.00.

Padded Rigid Long Splints are medical devices used to immobilize and support injured limbs. They are made of a rigid material, such as aluminum or plastic, and are padded with soft material to prevent pressure sores. PADDED RIDGID LONG SPLINTS are typically used for fractures, dislocations, and other serious injuries.

Availability: 26 in stock

SKU: padded-rigid-long-splints Category:

Padded Rigid Long Splints come in a variety of sizes to fit different limbs and injuries. They are typically secured in place with straps or bandages. Padded Rigid Long Splints should be applied by a qualified healthcare professional.


Padded Rigid Long Splints offer a number of benefits, including:

  • They provide strong and stable support for injured limbs.
  • They help to reduce pain and inflammation.
  • They help to prevent further injury.
  • They allow for some movement of the limb, which can help to prevent muscle atrophy.


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